The new hatchery of Babolna-Arbor Acres Poultry Breeding Company was i
naugurated in 1st January 1936. The design and derailed plans were dra
wn up over several months, combining the experience of Arbor Acres Far
m, Inc. in America and several West European operations. III order to
save on costs, the hatchery was built within an existing warehouse own
ed by the Babolna Shareholding Company. So, the very important infrast
ructure was already guaranteed electrical power, gas, water, drainage
and telephone system were already in place. Within the design of the h
atchery, the easy ''cleanability'' and elimination of cross traffic we
re viewed as essential features. The well proven Petersime P336 and P1
68 analog setters and P168 Cleanway hatchers were installed in the hat
chery. In the interests of high chick quality, an ''all in - all out''
system was chosen to improve overall hatchery hygiene, Only Arbor Acr
es broiler breeders have been produced it the hatchery since the middl
e of January. The first: hatch results and the quality reports were ve
ry satisfactory and confirmed the proper design and workmanship that w
ent into the new hatchery.