E. Abollo et al., MACROPARASITES IN CETACEANS STRANDED ON THE NORTHWESTERN SPANISH ATLANTIC COAST, Diseases of aquatic organisms, 32(3), 1998, pp. 227-231
An extensive parasitological survey was carried out during autopsy of
80 cetaceans representing 8 species within 4 families (Delphinus delph
is, Stenella coeruleoalba, Tursiops truncatus, Grampus griseus, Globic
ephala melas, Kogia breviceps, Phocoena phocoena and Megaptera novaean
gliae) collected on the northwestern Spanish Atlantic coast from Febru
ary 1991 to October 1996. Two species of tetraphyllidean cestodes (Phy
llobothrium delphini and Monorygma grimaldii), 2 ascaridoid nematodes
(Anisakis simplex and A. physeteris), a single spirurid nematode (Cras
sicauda magna), 4 rhabditidiform nematodes (Halocercus delphini, H. in
vaginatus, Halocercus spp. and Stenurus globicephalae), a single polym
orphynae acanthocephalan (Bolbosoma sp.), and 2 amphipods (Isocyamus d
elphini and Cyamus boopis) were found. This paper presents 6 new geogr
aphic records of macroparasites from cetaceans in temperate Atlanto-Ib
erian waters. A total of 11 component parasite species were found, mai
nly parasitizing the blubber, mesentery and stomach of cetaceans. Ceta
ceans harboured a suite of 4 generalist and 8 specialist species.