Medawar and co-workers originally demonstrated that injection of donor
bone marrow (DBM) into immune-incompetent neonatal rodents could indu
ce tolerance to grafts from animals of the same strain as the bone mar
row donor(1). Induction of tolerance in this manner can also be accomp
lished in mature mice, dogs and monkeys if the resident T-cell populat
ions in the recipient are depleted by a polyclonal antithymocyte globu
lin or an anti-T cell immunotoxin(2-4.) The molecular mechanisms by wh
ich bone marrow cells mediate the induction of tolerance remain uncert
ain. Here we examined a well-established adult mouse model of antithym
ocyte globulin and DBM treatment and show that expression of functiona
l pas ligand (Fast, also CD95L) an the injected bone marrow cells is r
equired for tolerance induction. The results indicate that a state of
microchimerism per se is insufficient for the induction of tolerance i
n T cell-depleted transplant recipients. Moreover, the results are con
sistent with the hypothesis that tolerance induced by DBM involves an
apoptotic process leading to deletion of graft-reactive cells.