143 neonates were diagnosed to have acquired systemic candidiasis out
of a total 4530 admissions (3.2 per cent) to the neonatal intensive ca
re unit (NICU) during a period of 6 1/2 years from January 1990 to Jun
e 1996, Mean age at onset was 10.4 days, mean birth weight 1454 g, and
mean gestation was 31.7 weeks, Ninety-four per cent were premature, 9
5 per cent low birth weight (LBW), and all had undergone peripheral ve
in catheterization and had received broad spectrum antibiotics, except
one, prior to the diagnosis. Fifty-eight per cent were ventilated and
15 per cent received parenteral nutrition. Persistent/recurrent pneum
onia, apnoea, lethargy, high gastric aspirates, and abdominal distensi
on were the common clinical manifestations. Candida tropicalis, C. alb
icans, and C. guillermondii were the most common isolates. Blood and u
rine were the predominant sites for isolation of Candida, Fluconazole
was the most used antifungal agent, with 24 per cent resistance agains
t it. Fifty per cent of babies died due to all causes. Of all the deat
hs, two-thirds were Candida related. Candida-attributable deaths occur
red in 24 cases (17 per cent).