One of the main challenges in solid mechanics lies in the passage from
a heterogeneous microstructure to an approximating continuum model. I
n many cases (e.g. stochastic finite elements, statistical fracture me
chanics), the interest lies in resolution of stress and other dependen
t fields over scales not infinitely larger than the typical microscale
. This may be accomplished with the help of a meso-scale window which
becomes the classical representative volume element (RVE) in the infin
ite limit. It turns out that the material properties at such a mesosca
le cannot be uniquely approximated by a random field of stiffness/comp
liance with locally isotropic realizations, but rather two random cont
inuum fields with locally anisotropic realizations, corresponding, res
pectively, to essential and natural boundary conditions on the meso-sc
ale, need to be introduced to bound the material response from above a
nd from below. We study the first- and second-order characteristics of
these two meso-scale random fields for anti-plane elastic response of
random matrix-inclusion composites over a wide range of contrasts and
aspect ratios. Special attention is given to the convergence of effec
tive responses obtained from the essential and natural boundary condit
ions, which sheds light on the minimum size of an RVE. Additionally, t
he spatial correlation structure of the crack density tensor with the
meso-scale moduli is studied. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All right
s reserved.