The Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) (R. J. Hawryluk, to be publishe
d in Rev. Mod. Phys.) experiments on high-temperature plasmas, that cu
lminated in the study of deuterium-tritium D-T plasmas containing sign
ificant populations of energetic alpha particles, spanned over two dec
ades from conception to completion. During the design of TFTR, the key
physics issues were magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibrium and stabili
ty, plasma energy transport, impurity effects, and plasma reactivity.
Energetic particle physics was given less attention during this phase
because, in part, of the necessity to address the issues that would cr
eate the conditions for the study of energetic particles and also the
lack of diagnostics to study the energetic particles in detail. The wo
rldwide tokamak program including the contributions from TFTR made sub
stantial progress during the past two decades in addressing the fundam
ental issues affecting the performance of high-temperature plasmas and
the behavior of energetic particles. The progress has been the result
of the construction of new facilities, which enabled the production o
f high-temperature well-confined plasmas, development of sophisticated
diagnostic techniques to study both the background plasma and the res
ulting energetic fusion products, and computational techniques to both
interpret the experimental results and to predict the outcome of expe
riments. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.