OBJECTIVES. This study evaluated the cost-effectiveness of a smoking c
essation and relapse-prevention program for hospitalized adult smokers
from the perspective of an implementing hospital. It is an economic a
nalysis of a two-group, controlled clinical trial in two acute care ho
spitals owned by a large group-model health maintenance organization.
The intervention included a 20-minute bedside counseling session with
an experienced health counselor, a 12-minute video, self-help material
s, and one or two follow-up calls. METHODS. Outcome measures were incr
emental cost (above usual care) per quit attributable to the intervent
ion and incremental cost per discounted life-year saved attributable t
o the intervention. RESULTS. Cost Of the research intervention was $15
9 per smoker, and incremental cost per incremental quit was $3,697. In
cremental cost per incremental discounted life-year saved ranged betwe
en $1,691 and $7,444, much less than most other routine medical proced
ures. Replication scenarios suggest that, with realistic implementatio
n assumptions, total intervention costs would decline significantly an
d incremental cost per incremental discounted life-year saved would be
reduced by more than 90%, to approximately $380. CONCLUSIONS. Providi
ng brief smoking cessation advice to hospitalized smokers is relativel
y inexpensive, cost-effective, and should become a part of the standar
d of inpatient care.