Small-Angle polarised Neutron Scattering (SANS) measurements have been
carried out on a ferromagnetic La0.75Sr0.25MnO3 single crystal. In th
e vicinity of the Curie point a substantial neutron intensity above q
= 0.05 Angstrom(-1) appears which indicates the presence of nanometre
size inhomogeneities mainly of magnetic origin. The neutron spectra ca
nnot be explained with a picture of spin clusters moving in a paramagn
etic background, i.e. magnetic polarons. Rather, a model describing an
average magnetic coherence extending over several Mn spins leads to v
ery good fits to the data. This situation is comparable to that encoun
tered in Fe or Ni close to T-c but not completely similar. Indeed, mag
netic coherence above T-c is significantly stronger in the manganites
where an unusual spin correlation function had to be used to fit the d