Granules as a possible form of metal electrodeposit call be formed dur
ing deposition of metals, such deposition processes being characterize
d by large exchange current density values. Because of this, zero nucl
eation zones around growing grains are formed, permitting granular met
al growth. In some cases of prolonged deposition, macro-crystalline de
posits can be formed as well as granular ones? e.g. in the case of sil
ver deposition at overpotentials lower than the critical value for den
drite growth initiation. The mechanism of granular deposit growth as a
final form of metal electrocrystallization is proposed. Silver boulde
rs were deposited on platinum and silver substrate. At low deposition
potentials, various crystallographic forms, some of them ideal or deri
ved from cube-octahedron-type morphology, were obtained as a result of
independent grain growth inside zones of zero nucleation. In addition
to cube-octahedra, twinned and multiply twinned silver particles were
also observed. The nucleation density was found (1) to increase with
increasing deposition overpotential, (2) to decrease with increasing s
ilver concentration, and (3) to be greater on Ag than on Pt for the sa
me deposition overpotential and dendrite precursors. Increasing overpo
tential leads to increase of density of twinned grains. The grain grow
th at greater overpotentials from more concentrated solution is less i
deal: producing a granular deposit on prolonged deposition.