Design, performance characteristics, and application of a room tempera
ture mid-infrared laser spectrometer an reported. This compact instrum
ent is based on difference-frequency mixing of a widely tunable extern
al-cavity diode laser and a diode-pumped monolithic Nd:YAG ring laser
in periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN). The difference-frequency
tuning range of 3.98 mu m to 4.62 mu m was sufficient for detection o
f several atmospheric trace gases including carbon monoxide (CO), nitr
ous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Real-
time detection of CO, N2O, and CO2 was performed in open air over a pa
th length of 5 to 18 m. The feasibility of DFG spectroscopic measureme
nt of the C-13/C-12 and O-18/O-17/O-16 isotopic ratios in atmospheric
carbon dioxide was also investigated. We report what to our knowledge
is the first simultaneous spectroscopic measurement of all three isoto
pes of oxygen in ambient CO2.