A novel insertable probe for local measurements of equilibrium and flu
ctuating plasma ion flow velocity and temperature via Doppler spectros
copy is described. Optical radiation is collected by two fused silica
fiber optic bundles with perpendicular viewlines. Spatial resolution o
f about 5 cm is achieved by terminating each view with an optical dump
. The collected light is transported by the fiber bundles to a high-re
solution spectrometer. Two components of the velocity are measured sim
ultaneously-the radial along the insertion of the probe and a perpendi
cular component (which can be varied by simply rotating the probe by 9
0 degrees). The accuracy of the velocity measurements is better than 1
km/s. The probe is armored by a boron nitride enclosure and is insert
ed into a high temperature plasma to obtain radial profiles of the equ
ilibrium and fluctuating plasma velocity. Initial measurements have be
en done in Madison Symmetric Torus reversed field pinch. (C) 1998 Amer
ican Institute of Physics.