In this paper we study two problems that can be viewed as on-line game
s on a dynamic bipartite graph. The first problem is on-line load bala
ncing with preemption. A centralized scheduler must assign tasks to se
rvers, processing on-line a sequence of task arrivals and departures.
Each task is restricted to run on some subset of the servers. The sche
duler attempts to keep the load well-balanced. If preemptive reassignm
ents are disallowed. Azar et al. [3] proved a lower bound of Omega(roo
t n) on the ratio between the maximum load achieved by an on-line algo
rithm and the optimum off-line maximum load. We show that this ratio c
an be greatly reduced by an efficient scheduler using only a small amo
unt of rescheduling. We then apply these ideas to network flow. Cheriy
an and Hagerup [6] introduced an on-line game on a bipartite graph as
a fundamental step in improving algorithms for computing the maximum f
low in networks. They described a randomized strategy to play the game
. King et al. [11] studied a modified version of this game, called ''n
ode kill,'' and gave a deterministic strategy. We obtain an improved d
eterministic algorithm for the node kill game land hence for maximum f
low) in all but the sparsest graphs. The running time achieved is O (m
n log(m/n) n + n(2) log(2+epsilon) n), compared with King et al.'s O (
mn + n(2+epsilon)). These problems combine a demand for good competiti
ve ratios with more traditional requirements of implementation efficie
ncy. Our solutions deal with the tradeoffs between these measures.