Sa. Mullerlissner et al., INTEROBSERVER AGREEMENT IN DEFECOGRAPHY - AN INTERNATIONAL STUDY, Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie, 36(4), 1998, pp. 273-279
Background: Defecography is considered to be an essential investigatio
n in the evaluation of functional anorectal disorders, but the agreeme
nt between observers from different clinical centers has never been ev
aluated. Methods: 14 defecographic studies were selected aimed to cove
r the most relevant defecographic findings responsible for disordered
defecation. Eight studies were considered unequivocal, but six were th
ought to be controversial. All were sent: to the ten participants in E
urope and the US (five proctosurgeons, three radiologists, two gastroe
nterologists). They evaluated the studies using a previously agreed up
on questionnaire. Interobserver agreement was quantified by kappa stat
istics and by the proportions of positive and negative agreement as co
mpared to chance agreement, respectively. Results: Overall, only the c
ompleteness of rectal emptying and the presence of a rectocele achieve
d acceptable kappa values above 0.4. When restricting the evaluation t
o the studies considered to be unequivocal, agreement improved conside
rably and was moderate to good for all items describing the images (ka
ppa 0.43-0.63). However, whether proctosurgery should be performed and
whether defecography contributed to the management of the particular
patient remained controversial with very low kappa. Conclusions: It is
doubtful whether defecography contributes substantially to the manage
ment of patients with disordered defecation.