Public opinion suggests that political corruption is entrenched in Sou
th Africa. Comparative experience does not indicate that the historica
l South African political environment was especially likely to nurture
a venal bureaucracy; as a fairly industrialized and extremely coerciv
e state the apartheid order may have been less susceptible to many of
the forms of political corruption analysts have associated with other
post-colonial developing countries. Democratization has made governmen
t less secret, inhibiting corruption in certain domains but through ex
tending government's activities opening up possibilities for abuse in
others. Today's authorities argue that the present extent of corruptio
n is largely inherited and indeed certain government departments, nota
bly those concerned with security and the homelands, as well as the au
tonomous homeland administrations themselves, had a history of routine
official misbehaviour. After describing the distribution and nature o
f corruption in South African public administration this article concl
udes that a substantial proportion of modem corruption occurs in regio
nal administrations and certainly embodies a legacy from the homeland
civil services. A major source of financial misappropriation in the ol
d central government, secret defence procurement, no longer exists but
corruption is stimulated by new official practices and fresh demands
imposed upon the bureaucracy including discriminatory tendering, polit
ical solidarity, and the expansion of citizen entitlements. Though muc
h contemporary corruption is inherited from the past, the simultaneous
democratization and restructuring of the South African state makes it
very vulnerable to new forms of abuse in different locations.