Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) therapy is a kind of medical treatment in whic
h a patient breathes 100% of oxygen inside a pressure chamber while th
e pressure of the chamber is increased to a point higher than sea leve
l pressure. It is strongly based on clearly defined physical laws and
physiological regularities. For the clinical use of HBO therapy, accor
ding to international recommendations, there are several commonly acce
pted indications in which HBO either is the only causative life-saving
kind of treatment, or is an essential and oftenly decisive component
of a comprehensive interdisciplinary intensive care therapy. Among pot
ential adverse effects, barotrauma of the lungs and especially oxygen
toxicity to the central nervous system have to be mentioned. Clinical
use of HBO therefore requires special knowledge of its effects, risks,
and adverse effects, a clear and distinct indication, and the ability
and skills to keep complications under control by means of intensive
care or emergency medical measures. The clinical use of hyperbaric oxy
gen with its interdisciplinary-like character of emergency medicine or
intensive care therapy therefore should be an additional, most intere
sting field of activity for the anaesthesiologist.