Cr. Mohan et Pp. Chakrabarti, FACTORIZING FSMS WITH MODIFY AND RESTORE METHOD, IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. 2, Analog and digital signal processing, 44(5), 1997, pp. 371-377
Implementation of large finite-state machines (FSM's) as smaller inter
acting machines, by factorizing them and interconnecting the factored
and factoring FSM's in such a way so as to maintain the functionality
of the original machine usually leads to an improvement in the perform
ance (that is, reduction in delay) of the original machine, Exact fact
ors, if present in an FSM, can result in the most effective way of fac
torization, However, it has been found that most of the FSM's are not
exact factorizable. In this paper, we have presented a scheme called t
he modify and restore (MAR) method which attempts to make FSM's exact
factorizable even if the original FSM is not directly exact factorizab
le. This is done by making minor changes in the next state space of th
e original FSM while maintaining the functionality of the FSM by a res
toring logic, We have tested the effectiveness of our method of factor
ization followed by state assignment for both two-level and multilevel
implementations, Experimental results on the MCNC benchmark examples
have shown significant improvement in delays of the final realization.