Data accumulated from epidemiological observations, intervention trial
s and studies on experimental animals provide a growing body of eviden
ce of the influence of various dietary components on blood pressure. D
ietary sodium, usually taken in the form of sodium chloride (common sa
lt), is positively associated with blood pressure, and in many hyperte
nsive patients reduction in sodium intake lowers blood pressure. On th
e other hand, in certain patients potassium, calcium and magnesium may
be protective electrolytes against hypertension. Dietary fats, especi
ally n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, may also influence blood pressur
e, whereas the possible role of other macronutrients, such as proteins
and carbohydrates, or vitamins in the regulation of blood pressure is
less well understood. Occasional ingestion of coffee transiently incr
eases blood pressure, but the effects of habitual coffee consumption a
re controversial. Excessive use of alcohol on a regular basis has been
associated with elevated blood pressure. It has also been shown in ca
se reports that large amounts of liquorice lead to the development of
hypertension. Thus, with appropriate dietary modifications, it is poss
ible to prevent the development of high blood pressure and to treat hy
pertensive patients with fewer drugs and with lower doses. In some pat
ients antihypertensive medication may not be at all necessary.