Mao Zedong once said: ''All genuine knowledge originates in direct exp
erience.'' This paper describes the experiences gained through a range
of development projects, all concerned with the design, development,
demonstration and maintenance of real broadband signalling systems. Th
e authors have participated in the development of a variety of systems
offering broadband capabilities, all of which support some form of br
oadband signalling between the service user and the service provider.
The process of designing and building such systems can provide invalua
ble insights into issues such as development methods, signalling perfo
rmance, programming interface definitions, etc, none of which are appa
rent from purely paper-based studies or through the standards specific
ation process. This 'coal-face' experience covers both collaborative a
s well as internal BT projects, with each system being subject to a wi
de variety of service requirements. In addition, the period of work co
vered by the developments described in the paper encompasses broadband
signalling systems that on the one hand predate the published ITU-T s
tandards on broadband ISDN systems and opt the other include a compreh
ensive testbed supporting an interworking set of broadband signalling
interfaces based on the appropriate signalling standards defined by bo
th the A TM Forum as well as the ITU-T.