We prove the #P-hardness of the counting problems associated with vari
ous satisfiability, graph, and combinatorial problems, when restricted
to planar instances. These problems include 3SAT, 1-3SAT, 1-EX3SAT, M
et, X3C, Partition Into Triangles, and Clique Cover. We also prove the
NP-completeness of the AMBIGUOUS SATISFIABILITY problems [J. B. Saxe,
Two Papers on Graph Embedding Problems, Tech. Report CMU-CS-80-102, D
ept. of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, 1980]
and the D-P-completeness (with respect to random polynomial reducibil
ity) of the unique satisfiability problems [L. G. Valiant and V. V. Va
zirani, NP is as easy as detecting unique solutions, in Proc. 17th ACM
Symp. on Theory of Computing, 1985, pp. 458-463] associated with seve
ral of the above problems, when restricted to planar instances. Previo
usly, very few #P-hardness results, no NP-hardness results, and no D-P
-completeness results were known for counting problems, ambiguous sati
sfiability problems, and unique satisfiability problems, respectively,
when restricted to planar instances. Assuming P not equal NP, one cor
ollary of the above results is that there are no epsilon-approximation
algorithms for the problems of maximizing or minimizing a linear obje
ctive function subject to a planar system of linear inequality constra
ints over the integers.