Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992, the Federal Energy Management Pro
gram (FEMP) is required to provide federal facility managers with a cl
ear determination of the impact of water conservation practices on ene
rgy consumption. This paper introduces the WATERGY model, which is a s
preadsheet model to analyze total energy savings associated with water
conservation efforts. The contribution of this effort is the developm
ent of-a synergistic model based on engineering algorithms as opposed
to lumped parameter estimates. The model explicitly details the relati
onships between direct and indirect water and energy savings. Irrigati
on, plumbing fixture, appliance, and boiler blowdown savings comprise
the direct water component of the model. Reduction in leakage and unac
counted-for water in the distribution system are calculated as indirec
t water savings. Direct energy savings are calculated for hot water pr
oduction. Indirect energy savings associated with distribution and col
lection, electric line losses, and unaccounted for gas are determined
by the model. Data sources, algorithms, and engineering assumptions us
ed in the development of the model are detailed. The model capabilitie
s are demonstrated for a hypothetical federal;facility.