The energy expectation value of coupled-cluster theory can be formulat
ed as the sum of the energy expression of traditional coupled-cluster
(TCC) theory plus a correction term. The latter is simplified if the s
tationarity conditions of TCC hold. It is then of O(S-4), where S is t
he coupled-cluster amplitude. The leading error contribution agrees wi
th the leading term of the difference between the TCC energy and the e
nergy expression of extended coupled-cluster (ECC) theory. It is sugge
sted to evaluate this routinely at the end of any TCC calculation as a
check of the reliability of the latter. The error of the ECC energy e
xpression with respect to an expectation value is of O(S-6). The error
of traditional CCSD with respect to an expectation value is not affec
ted by the inclusion of triple excitations in CCSDT. Approximations to
CCSDT are also discussed. A hierarchy of approximations starting from
TCC and ending at variational coupled-cluster (VCC) theory, alternati
ve to the previously proposed improved coupled-cluster (ICC) method is