Soft-tissue rheumatism (STR-tendinitis. bursitis, fasciitis and fibrom
yalgia) accounts for up to 25% of referrals to rheumatologists. The es
timated prevalence of generalized hypermobility in the adult populatio
n is 5-15%. There have previously been suggestions that hypermobile in
dividuals may be predisposed to soft-tissue trauma and subsequent musc
uloskeletal pain. This study was designed to examine the mobility stat
us and physical activity level in consecutive rheumatology clinic atte
ndees with a primary diagnosis of STR. Of 82 patients up to age 70 yr
with STR, 29 (35%) met criteria for generalized hypermobility. Hypermo
bile compared to non-hypermobile individuals reported significantly mo
re previous episodes of STR (90% vs 51%, P < 0.01), and more recurrent
episodes of STR at a single site (69% re 38%, P < 0.001). Although we
were unable to show any difference in the time spent carrying out phy
sical activity between the two groups, the hypermobile patients were p
erforming significantly more repetitive activities. When specific anat
omical sites of STR were analysed, small joints (elbows, hands and fee
t) currently affected with STR were more likely to show localized hype
rmobility than if those joints were asymptomatic. These findings sugge
st that hypermobility may be a factor in the development of STR. Repet
itive activity may be a contributing factor towards STR in some hyperm
obile individuals.