Purpose. To assess the development of the moral reasoning skills of me
dical students through the course of their education, and to determine
whether their scores would reflect the increases usually found at thi
s age range and education level. Method. Using Rest's Defining Issues
Test (DIT), the authors assessed the moral reasoning of a total of 95
Texas A&M medical students from the classes of 1991-94 at the beginnin
g of their first semester, at the end of a required first-semester med
ical ethics course, and at the end of the students' fourth year. Resul
ts. The mean score on the first test was 47.7; on the second, 53.7; an
d on the third, 56.5. The +6.0 change in mean scores from the first to
second test was statistically significant (p < .0001), as was the +8.
8 change from the first to final test (p < .0001). The +2.8 change fro
m the second to final test was also significant, although at a lower l
evel (p < .0302). Analysis revealed no significant correlation between
moral reasoning scores and age; however, there was a significant corr
elation between moral reasoning scores and sex, with women scoring hig
her than men on all three tests. Conclusion. While data from the curre
nt study seem to contradict earlier findings that medical education in
hibits an increase in moral reasoning skills, the current findings may
alternatively be interpreted as resulting mainly from the required fi
rst-semester medical ethics course, which involved small-group discuss
ion of moral dilemmas, an educational method shown elsewhere to be eff
ective in enhancing moral reasoning skills.