Mr. Willig et al., STRUCTURAL AND TAXONOMIC CORRELATES OF HABITAT SELECTION BY A PUERTO-RICAN LAND SNAIL, The Southwestern naturalist, 43(1), 1998, pp. 70-79
Although terrestrial molluscs make important contributions to the taxo
nomic and functional diversity of tropical systems, little is known ab
out their ecology. Caracolus caracolla is a large terrestrial snail, c
ommon in a wide variety of habitats on Puerto Rico, including the tabo
nuco rain forest. To determine if this snail exhibits habitat selectio
n, we surveyed 19 taxonomic and structural attributes of the understor
y, as well as snail abundance, in 60 sites within the tabonuco rain fo
rest during the dry season. Caracolus caracolla had a clumped spatial
distribution, and was associated more often than expected by chance wi
th the shrub, Piper glabrescens, and less often than expected on three
other common understory plants. Although much of the variation in sna
il density (73.4%) appeared unrelated to habitat descriptors, patches
of forest with abundant ground cover at 0.15 m or high plant apparency
(foliar development) at 1.98 m harbored high snail densities. The spa
tial distribution of C. caracolla was linked to microhabitat condition
s that reduce the likelihood of desiccation. We hypothesize that small
er snails occupy areas of the understory where the likelihood of desic
cation is reduced, whereas larger individuals, less encumbered by phys
iological constraints related to desiccation, expand their niche to in
clude upper reaches of the understory where they take advantage of add
itional resources and enhance the likelihood of mate encounter.