The shaker-2 mouse mutation, the homolog of human DFNB3, causes deafne
ss and circling behavior. A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) tran
sgene from the shaker-2 critical region corrected the vestibular defec
ts, deafness, and inner ear morphology of shaker-2 mice. An unconventi
onal myosin gene, Myo15, was discovered by DNA sequencing of this BAG.
Shaker-2 mice were found to have an amino acid substitution at a high
ly conserved position within the motor domain of this myosin, Auditory
hair cells of shaker-2 mice have very short stereocilia and a long ac
tin-containing protrusion extending from their basal end. This histopa
thology suggests that Myo15 is necessary for actin organization in the
hair cells of the cochlea.