The stimulatory or inhibitory effects of plant lectins on the producti
on of gelatinase A (MMP-2) and gelatinase B (MMP-9) by mononuclear whi
te blood cells mas investigated by substrate zymography. Leukocyte cul
tures from 24-h old buffy coats mere spontaneously activated and produ
ced high levels of gelatinase B, Using such cultures the suppressing a
ctivity of the Datura stramonium, Viscum album, Bauhinia purpurea, Tri
ticum aestivum and Maackia amurensis lectins on gelatinase B induction
mere demonstrated. When fresh leukocyte preparations from single bloo
d donors mere used, low levels of gelatinase B were produced. The indu
ction of gelatinase B mas confirmed for concanavalin A and phytohaemag
glutinin (PHA-L4). In addition, the Urtica dioica, Calystegia sepium,
Convolvulus arvensis and Colchicum autumnale lectins mere documented a
s novel and potent inducers of gelatinase B, Since high circulating ge
latinase B levels are associated with specific pathologies, including
shock syndromes, the acute toxicity of many lectins might be partially
mediated or influenced by gelatinase induction. (C) 1998 Federation o
f European Biochemical Societies.