If we had to identify the major areas of growth in relation to techniq
ues for supporting leadership development, it would have to include us
e of 360 degree feedback. At two recent US conferences (The 24th Inter
national Congress on Assessment Centre Methods, May 1996, held in Wash
ington, DC, and the First Annual Leadership Development Conference hel
d in October 1996 in Boston), dedicated to presentations by researcher
s and practitioners on the subject of leadership assessment and develo
pment, the topic of multi-rater or multi-source feedback, as it is als
o known, formed a key component. This paper will outline some of the r
easons why this is the case, and some of the research findings that ha
ve emerged in the last few years including issues relating to gender a
nd perceptions of leadership. It wilt also describe how the author has
been involved in introducing 360 degree feedback processes in several
public sector organizations in the UK, together with lessons that hav
e emerged.