This study relates climatic parameters and altitudinal position of the
ecotone between forest and alpine orobiomes in southern Siberia. Part
icular emphasis is laid on the upper forest boundary, or alpine timber
line, which marks the lower altitudinal limit of the alpine ecotone. T
he most indicative climatic parameters, i.e. those which are less vari
able at the upper forest boundary are, in order of importance: a) dura
tion of the growing season with temperatures exceeding 0 degrees C, an
d +5 degrees C, b) potential evaporation, c) duration of the snow-cove
ring period, and, d) mean July air temperature. Less informative param
eters are: a) length of the period with temperatures exceeding 10 degr
ees C, b) sum of temperatures exceeding 0 degrees C, 5 degrees C, and,
especially, 10 degrees C. In semiarid areas, the altitude of the alpi
ne ecotone depends both on heat balance and on dryness, so that the up
per forest boundary can be higher on north- than on south-facing slope
s. Compared with Arctic timberline, the alpine forest boundary has a l
onger growing season, and, accordingly, higher temperature totals, but
somehow lower mean July temperatures.