A study is presented of potential errors in, and methods of interpreti
ng, the results of cantilever-type, piezoceramic bender element tests
for measuring the shear wave velocity of laboratory soil specimens. In
terpretations based on the first direct arrival in the output signal a
re often masked by near-field effects and may be difficult to define r
eliably. Interpretations based on characteristic points or crosscorrel
ation between the input and output Signals are shown to be theoretical
ly incorrect in most cases because of: (1) the effects of wave interfe
rence at the boundaries; (2) the phase lag between the physical wave f
orms and the measured electrical signals; and (3) non-one-dimensional
wave travel and near-field effects. Interpretations based on the secon
d arrival in the output signal are theoretically Subject to errors fro
m non-one-dimensional wave travel and near-field effects. Differences
in V-s values obtained by the different interpretation methods are ill
ustrated analytically and experimentally.