The construction of four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories via
the fivebrane of M-theory wrapped around a Riemann surface has been s
uccessfully applied to the computation of holomorphic quantities of fi
eld theory. In this paper we compute non-holomorphic quantities in the
eleven-dimensional supergravity limit of M-theory. While the Kahler p
otential on the Coulomb of N = 2 theories is correctly reproduced, hig
her derivative terms in the N = 2 effective action differ from what is
expected for the four-dimensional gauge theory. For the Kahler potent
ial of N = 1 theories at an abelian Coulomb phase, the result again di
ffers from what is expected for the four-dimensional gauge theory. Usi
ng a gravitational back-reaction method for the fivebrane we compute t
he metric on the Higgs branch of N = 2 gauge theories. Here we find an
agreement with the results expected for the gauge theories. A similar
computation of the metric on N = 1 Higgs branches yields information
on the complex structure associated with the flavor rotation in one ca
se and the classical metric in another. We discuss what four-dimension
al field theory quantities can be computed via the fivebrane in the su
pergravity limit of M-theory. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.