The relationship between senescent floral debris retained in fruit clu
sters and the incidence and severity of botrytis bunch rot was examine
d in Chardonnay grapevines over three seasons. Floral debris was remov
ed from clusters at either early or late fruit set using compressed ai
r or a back-pack leaf blower. Additional treatments were included to d
etermine if a commercial sticker spray adjuvant (Nu-Film 17) increased
debris retention in clusters. Physical removal of floral debris gener
ally reduced botrytis bunch rot; however, reductions in botrytis bunch
rot were only significant in some vineyards. The sticker spray adjuva
nt had no effect on retention of debris or on botrytis bunch rot. The
incidence and severity of botrytis bunch rot were not affected by timi
ng of debris removal, but late removal by compressed air, when berries
were as much as 8 mm in diameter, did cause berry bruising. The data
demonstrate that senescent floral debris and aborted berries can contr
ibute to increased botrytis bunch rot, and that practical measures to
reduce debris retention may aid disease control.