D. Argaud et al., STIMULATION OF GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATASE GENE-EXPRESSION BY GLUCOSE AND FRUCTOSE-2,6-BISPHOSPHATE, The Journal of biological chemistry, 272(19), 1997, pp. 12854-12861
Glucose-6-phosphatase, a key enzyme in the homeostatic regulation of b
lood glucose concentration, catalyzes the terminal step in gluconeogen
esis and glycogenolysis. Glucose, the product of the glucose-6-phospha
tase reaction, dramatically increases the level of glu cose-6-phosphat
ase mRNA transcripts in primary hepatocytes (20-fold), and the maximum
response is obtained at a glucose concentration as low as 11 mM. Gluc
ose specifically increases glucose-6-phosphatase mRNA and L-type pyruv
ate kinase mRNA. In the rat hepatoma-derived cell line, Fao, glucose i
ncreases the glucose-6-phosphatase mRNA only modestly (3-fold). In the
presence of high glucose concentrations, overexpression of glucokinas
e in Fao cells via recombinant adenovirus vectors increases lactate pr
oduction to the level found in primary hepatocytes and increases gluco
se g-phosphatase gene expression by al-fold, Similar overexpression of
hexokinase I in Fao cells with high levels of glucose does not increa
se lactate production nor does it change the response of glucose-g-pho
sphatase mRNA to glucose, Glucokinase overexpression in Fao cells blun
ts the previously reported inhibitory effect of insulin on glucose 6-p
hosphatase gene expression in these cells. Raising the cellular concen
tration of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, a potent effector of the directi
on of carbon flux through the gluconeogenic and glycolytic pathways, a
lso stimulated glucose-6-phosphatase gene expression in Fao cells. Inc
reasing the fructose-2,6-bisphosphate concentration over a 15-fold ran
ge (12+/-1 to 187+/-17 pmol/plate) via an adenoviral vector overexpres
sion system, led to a 6-fold increase (0.32+/-0.03 to 2.2+/-0.33 arbit
rary units of mRNA) in glucose-6-phosphatase gene expression with a co
ncomitant increase in glycolysis and a decrease in gluconeogenesis, Al
so, the effects of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate concentrations on fructos
e-1,6-bisphosphatase gene expression were stimulatory, leading to a 5-
6-fold increase in mRNA level over a 15-fold range in fructose 2,6-bis
phosphate level. Liver pyruvate kinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy
kinase mRNA were unchanged by the manipulation of fructose-2,6-bisphos
phate level.