Objective,To study the psychomotor development of young infants from a
poor and underfed rural community and to correlate this with the nutr
itional conditions of the mother during pregnancy and the child itself
. Material and methods. We studied 82 mother-child pairs from the 5th
month of pregnancy to the 6th month of life of the child as to anthrop
ometry and food consumption. The neonatal Brazelton test and the Bayle
y test at 3 and 6 months were applied to the child. Results. Several o
f the neonatal psychomotor tests applied to the child correlate positi
vely with the mother's weight and skin folds, as well as with the chil
d's own previous weight and size. This was also true for maternal cons
umption of animal foods and fruits during pregnancy. A negative correl
ation was observed with the consumption of corn tortillas and beans. T
he correlation of several tests applied to the child at six months was
positive with its complementary consumption, total energy and several
foods, specially egg, milk and fruit around three months of age. Conc
lusions. Small variations in nutrition of the mother-child pairs from
the poor rural community studied had consequences on the psychomotor d
evelopment of the infant. These findings point to the need for more ap
plied nutrition programs.