Two techniques for the singular value decomposition (SVD) of large spa
rse matrices are directly applicable to geophysical inverse problems:
subspace iteration and the Lanczos method. Both methods require very l
ittle in-core storage and efficiently compute a set of singular values
and singular vectors. A comparison of the singular value and vector e
stimates of these iterative approaches with the results of a conventio
nal in-core SVD algorithm demonstrates their accuracy. Hence, it is po
ssible to conduct an assessment of inversion results for larger sparse
inverse problems such as those arising in seismic tomography. As an e
xample, we examine the resolution matrix associated with a crosswell s
eismic inversion of first arrival times for lateral variations in anis
otropy. The application to a set of first arrival times from a crosswe
ll survey at the Grimsel Laboratory emphasizes the utility of includin
g anisotropy in a traveltime inversion. The isotropic component of the
estimated velocity structure appears to be well constrained even when
anisotropy is included in the inversion. In the case of the Grimsel e
xperiment, we are able to resolve a fracture zone, in agreement with b
orehole fracture intersections. Elements of the resolution matrix reve
al moderate averaging among anisotropy coefficients as well as between
anisotropy coefficients and source-receiver static terms. The informa
tion on anisotropy, such as the directions of maximum velocity, appear
s sensitive to lateral variations in velocity and must be interpreted
with some caution.