In 1996, the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) asked for a re
view of the pros and cons of including adult influenza and pneumococca
l vaccines in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). The auth
ors, as staff to the subcommittees charged with undertaking this asses
sment, looked at the following questions: (a) Would inclusion in VICP
of these two vaccines, used primarily for adults, increase adult vacci
nation levels? (b) Is this Federal involvement warranted based on the
liability burden for these vaccines? (c) Does the risk of adverse even
ts following vaccinations warrant inclusion of these vaccines? (d) Is
there a consensus among stakeholders favoring their inclusion? To addr
ess these questions, the authors reviewed information on adult vaccine
s, including data on lawsuits filed and reports of injuries, and sough
t input from interested groups. They found no evidence that the use of
influenza and pneumococcal vaccines would increase if they were inclu
ded in VICP. They found a low liability burden for these vaccines, tha
t serious adverse events were rare, and that no consensus existed amon
g stakeholders. After considering the staff report, NVAC chose, in 199
6, not to advise the Department of Health and Human Services to includ
e adult vaccines in VICP.