The authors analyzed, by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), the
physical distribution of 29 independent genetically linked Ds transpos
itions from a T-DNA donor locus on tomato chromosome 6. While no prefe
rences of transpositions with respect to direction or orientation were
found, 28 transpositions occurred over short distances (<250kb) and w
ere found in distinct clusters of 10-50kb separated by empty regions o
f 60-100kb. The strongest cluster received 7 hits in a similar to 10kb
area at 55kb from the T-DNA, representing a hot spot in 220kb of surr
ounding refractory DNA. A Cre-lox mediated deletion analysis of refrac
tory areas was performed, but these remained largely inconclusive due
to an impossibility to germinally transmit the deletions. The existenc
e of preferential insertion areas in this range of physical distances
suggests that the Ac transposition system has differential accessabili
ty to DNA with different higher order chromatin structures. This impli
es that some genes may be difficult to tag, even when located very clo
se to the element.