Bacteria use different strategies to navigate to niches where environm
ental factors are favourable for growth, Chemotaxis is a behavioural r
esponse mediated by specific receptors that sense the concentration of
chemicals in the environment, Recently, a new type of sensor has been
described in Escherichia coli that responds to changes in cellular en
ergy (redox) levels. This sensor, Aer, guides the bacteria to environm
ents that support maximal energy levels in the cells. A variety of sti
muli, such as oxygen, alternative electron accepters, light, redox car
riers that interact with the electron transport system and metabolized
carbon sources, effect changes in the cellular energy (redox) levels,
These changes are detected by Aer and by the serine chemotaxis recept
or Tsr and are transduced into signals that elicit appropriate behavio
ural responses, Diverse environmental signals from Aer and chemotaxis
receptors converge and integrate at the level of the CheA histidine ki
nase, Energy sensing is widespread in bacteria, and it is now evident
that a variety of signal transduction strategies are used for the meta
bolism-dependent behaviours. The occurrence of putative energy-sensing
domains in proteins from cells ranging from Archaea to humans indicat
es the importance of this function for all living systems.