About 1-2% of melanoma patients develop hypercalcemia. We report hyper
calcemia without bone metastasis in a 46-year-old woman with advanced
melanoma. The hypercalcemia was associated with elevated serum parathy
roid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) levels. An even higher concentrat
ion (10 times the serum level) in pleural effusion caused by pleural m
etastases implied that the source of the increased circulating PTHrP w
as the melanoma. Immunohistochemical staining of paraffin sections, pe
rformed using a monoclonal antibody (9H7) against the peptide sequence
109-141 of human PTHrP, detected PTHrP in the cytoplasm and nucleoli
of melanoma cells in an autopsy specimen but not in specimens from thi
s patient prior to onset of hypercalcemia, Considering the evidence, i
t is very likely that PTHrP production by melanoma caused hypercalcemi
a in this patient.