With the recent appearances of a new and well-documented classificatio
n of the Dutch plant communities (Schaminee et al 1995a,b; 1996) and a
database on the seed longevity of plant species of North West Europe
(Thompson ct al. 1997a) it was possible to investigate patterns of see
d longevity in Dutch plant communities, considering the frequencies of
plant species in various communities. This study revealed that arable
weed communities have long-lived seeds compared to the transient seed
bank of deciduous woodland; species-rich grassland communities tend t
o have a short-lived soil seed bank, intermediate between the latter t
wo communities, Moreover, the present study showed that significant di
fferences in community longevity exist between weed communities as wel
l as between grassland communities. The approach based on soil seed ba
nk spectra of plant communities gives support to existing phytosociolo
gical theories on different strategies of plant communities sensu Stor
telder (1992) and Schaminee & Stortelder (1996). The information on se
ed longevity of communities is essential to the practice of nature con
servation and nature development because it reveals the possible vulne
rability of plant communities to extinction, including their soil seed
banks, the necessity of their conservation and their possibilities fo
r regeneration.