Impairment of bone remodelling due to chronic renal failure persists e
ven after successful kidney transplantation. Bone turnover was assesse
d in 22 kidney transplant recipients by measurement of serum bone mark
ers: total (tALP) and bone alkaline phosphatase (bALP), osteacalcin (O
G), procollagen I C-terminal propeptide (PICP), collagen I C-terminal
telopeptide (ICTP), and IPTH. The patients were on dialysis 56.6 +/- 4
3.1 months before transplantation (mean +/- SD) and 34.2 +/- 23.0 mont
hs had elapsed after transplantation. The bone markers were within the
reference range in 23% of patients for iPTH, 73% for tALP and 82% for
bALP, 41% for OC, 73% for PICP and 50% for ICTP. A positive correlati
on was found between dialysis duration and ICTP, and:iPTH and bone for
mation markers (OC, bALP). The obtained results indicate that bone tur
nover was increased after kidney transplantation, with prevailing bone
resorption, which seems to be influenced by dialysis duration.