Nonenzymatically glycated proteins and their advanced stage, the 'adva
nced glycation end products' (AGEs), have been detected in long-lived
proteins and protein deposits in human and animal tissues. They are th
ought to be associated with normal aging and particularly with the pat
hogenesis of diabetic complications and Alzheimer's disease. AGEs accu
mulate in human neurons in an age-dependent manner and, in Alzheimer's
disease patients, particularly in amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary
tangles. in this study, we demonstrate AGE immunoreactivity in the ca
nine brain, particularly in cerebellar Purkinje cells and brainstem ne
urons. Zn addition, distinct AGE-positive granules can be detected in
the Purkinje cells which accumulate in an age-dependent manner. Staini
ng with PAS and oil-red suggests that these AGE-positive granules cont
ain the protein, but not the lipid constituents associated with lipofu
scin. Our results show that the pattern of AGE distribution in the can
ine cerebellum resembles the situation in the human brain, but that th
e time course of AGE formation is much faster in dogs reflecting their
much shorter life span. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.