Spectroscopic diagnosis of the temperature and density structure of ho
t optically thin plasmas from emission line intensities is usually des
cribed in two ways. The simplest approach, the 'line ratio' method, us
es an observed ratio of emission line intensities to determine a 'spec
troscopic mean' value of electron temperature [T-e] or electron densit
y [n(e)]. The mean value is chosen to be the theoretical value of T-e
or n(e) which matches the observed value. The line ratio method is sta
ble, leading to well defined values of [T-e] or [n(e)] for each line p
air but, in the realistic case of inhomogeneous plasmas, these are har
d to interpret since each line pair yields different mean parameter va
lues. The more general 'differential emission measure' (DEM) method re
cognizes that observed plasmas are better described by distributions o
f temperature or density along the line of sight, and poses the proble
m in inverse form. It is well known that the DEM function is the solut
ion to the inverse problem, which is a function of T-e, n(e), or both.
Derivation of DEM functions, while more generally applicable, is unst
able to noise and errors in spectral and atomic data. The mathematical
relation between these two approaches has never been precisely define
d. In this paper we demonstrate the formal equivalence of the approach
es, and discuss some potentially important applications of methods bas
ed upon combining the line ratio and DEM approaches.