Many species change diets during development. Often, these ontogenetic
changes are discrete and coincide with metamorphosis (e.g., amphibian
s), but more gradual niche changes can occur during growth. Identifyin
g nondiscrete changes in diet and understanding their implications at
the population and community levels are especially difficult for ecolo
gists who study detritivores and other species that have poorly charac
terized diets. Theory and several lines of evidence suggest, however,
that benthic juveniles of species that deposit feed as adults may be u
nable to meet their nutritional demands by deposit feeding. To reject
the null hypothesis that both juveniles and adults of deposit-feeding
species assimilate the same diet and to infer ontogenetic changes in d
iet, I used stable carbon isotopes as a natural diet tracer. I quantif
ied body-size-dependent variations in the delta(13)C of four species o
f tentaculate, surface-deposit-feeding polychaetes: the ampharetid Hob
sonia florida and the spionids Pseudopolydora kempi japonica, Polydora
cornuta, and Pygospio elegans. In addition to worm tissues, I measure
d the isotopic compositions of the most likely primary producers at ea
ch field site (benthic diatoms, macroalgae, and saltmarsh grasses) to
predict the worms' carbon sources. All species showed significant size
-dependent variations in delta(13)C. Furthermore, populations of P. ke
mpi japonica at two different sandflats had similar ontogenetic trends
despite isotopic differences in available foods at each site. Individ
uals fed a fixed diet in the laboratory, however, did not show signifi
cant size-dependent variation in delta(13)C, leaving ontogenetic chang
es in diet as the most parsimonious explanation of the field data. Reg
ression analyses indicated that the gradual change in delta(13)C(= wit
h body size was nonlinear, with most of the change in delta(13)C occur
ring before individuals reach sexual maturity. The complex life cycle
of these species, therefore, includes both a radical change in niche w
hen larvae metamorphose to juveniles and a gradual niche shift as bent
hic juveniles grow. The isotopic data indicate that the smallest juven
iles assimilated much of their carbon from benthic diatoms (delta(13)C
approximate to -20 parts per thousand), while adults assimilated most
of their carbon from detritus derived from macroalgae (delta(13)C app
roximate to -9 parts per thousand) or saltmarsh grasses (delta(13)C ap
proximate to -14 parts per thousand). Because abundances of benthic di
atoms or other high-quality components of sediment are more variable a
nd more likely to be in limiting supply than detritus or bulk sediment
ary organics, populations of species that deposit feed as adults may e
xperience food-related recruitment bottlenecks during the juvenile sta