One-minute samples of the velocity distributions of ions are used to c
ompute plasma moments for the 18-month period between December 1, 1994
and Tune 1, 1996. Statistical analyses of these measurements are give
n for the plasma sheet and its boundary layer at radial distances from
Earth between 10 and 50 R-E Analysis concentrates on examination of p
arallel and perpendicular components of bulk flow and is directed towa
rd understanding processes that affect transport. On average, the perp
endicular components of the bulk flow are small, less than 15 km/s. On
the basis of this study, two distinct patterns emerge. First, at radi
al distances from Earth less than 30 R-E the mean perpendicular flow i
ndicates a well-defined pattern of convection that is a combination of
drift toward Earth and drift toward the flanks. The average electric
field across the tail is inferred to be 0.1 mV/m. Second, there is a n
otable increase in the variability of the perpendicular flow speeds be
yond 25 R-E Al relatively large bulk flows with speeds in the range 20
0 to 800 km/s are sometimes found in the tail at lesser radial distanc
e, these are primarily field-aligned and thus do not contribute substa
ntially to convection or to the transport of magnetic flux.