By examining the Heisenberg matrix mechanics with its commutation rela
tions and the Schrodinger rules connecting the Heisenberg matrices to
the Schrodinger wave theory, a consistent quantum theory emerges. Howe
ver, it is maintained here that this self-consistent structure leaves
open the question of the interpretation of local ''uncertainty,'' beca
use the Heisenberg theory Is necessarily discontinuous by its construc
tion, whereas Schrodinger's work uses continuous variables. The views
of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) are shown to address the issue
of local ''uncertainty'' in the Schrodinger sense; consequently, it is
argued that much of the critique leveled against EPR may be averted,
and a reconciliation of the views of Heisenberg, Schrodinger, and othe
rs, such as Feynman, is possible, because the above open nature of the
Heisenberg Schrodinger theory does provide a possibility that local r
ealism and local discontinuity need not be viewed in a mutually exclus
ive manner. As such, local and global wave function Schrodinger operat
ors are distinguished, and it is deduced that uncertainty as developed
by Robertson from Schrodinger's operator assignment is of a global na
ture, because the Heisenberg matrix formulation is of a global nature,
and the Schrodinger operator assignments were postulated to harmonize
with Heisenberg mechanics. To counter the possibly biased view of Hei
senberg, that (his) theory dictates what may be measured, and with wha
t precision - thereby possibly denying thepivotal and independent role
of experiment in judging theories - a principle for ''isotropic'' var
iables is presented, where it is stated that if no uncertainty is impl
ied in the measurement of the classical variables, then no uncertainty
is expected for the corresponding quantum mechanical variable, where
this principle may be experimentally refuted in principle. This princi
ple is also postulated to cater to the open nature of the Heisenberg-S
chrodinger formalism, because it is maintained here that the algebraic
Heisenberg calculus is quite distinct from the physical developments
of intrinsic ''uncertainty,'' so that any repudiation of measurement u
ncertainty does not in any way jeopardize the profound algebraic calcu
lus of Heisenberg. From the Einstein discussion it is concluded that t
he concept of uncertainty derived from conjugate operators obtains onl
y for fixed eigenvalues. It is proved from a theorem that local uncert
ainty does not obtain for both nondegenerate and degenerate conjugate