Aims-To investigate the effects of slide storage on immunohistochemica
l staining, since recent reports have indicated that storage of unstai
ned paraffin slides far up to 12 weeks may lead to false negative immu
nostaining of tumour markers. Methods-11 antibodies (anti-cytokeratin,
epithelial membrane antigen (EMA ), vimentin, smooth muscle actin, PS
100, chromogranin, CD45, CD20, CD3, CD30, and oestrogen receptor (OR))
were tested on unstained paraffin slides of breast carcinomas, lympho
mas, and neuroendocrine tumours that had been stored for three to 10 y
ears. All the paraffin blocks were recut less than one week before imm
unostaining. Immunostainings of years old slides were compared with th
ose of recent slides in at least five cases for each antibody. For thr
ee antibodies (anti-chromogranin, anti-CD3, and anti-OR) we also teste
d one year old and three months old slides. Results-Intensity of stain
ing on years old slides was strikingly reduced for chromogranin and CD
3 in several cases and was slightly stranger for vimentin. In some cas
es a significant decrease of OR positivity was observed after three mo
nths storage, and a complete loss of OR immunostaining after 12 months
, No significant difference was noted with the other antibodies. Concl
usions-Immunohistochemical detection of some antigens located either i
n the nucleus, in the cytoplasm, or on the cytoplasmic membrane could
be impaired by storage of paraffin slides as short a time as three mon
ths. One should be cautious of doing retrospective immunohistochemical
studies on stored unstained slides.