The genome of Staphylococcus aureus consists of a single circular chro
mosome (2.7-2.8 mbp) plus an assortment of extrachromosomal accessory
genetic elements: conjugative and nonconjugative plasmids, mobile elem
ents (IS, Tn, Hi), prophages and other variable elements. Plasmids (1-
60 kbp) are classified into 4 classes and there are 15 known incompati
bility groups. Mobile elements of the genome (0.8-18 kbp) appear in th
e chromosome or in plasmids of classes II and III. Prophages (45-60 kb
p) are integrated in the bacterial chromosome, and they are UV-or mito
mycin-inducible. Temperate bacteriophages of S, aureus are members of
the Siphoviridae and the serological groups A, B and F occur most freq
uently. In the paper presented, the characteristics of chromosome, pla
smids, transposons and other genetic elements of S. aureus genome are
given and an alphabetical list of known genes of this species is inclu