We have performed a systematic variability study of polyclonal antibod
y catalysis by using five rabbits immunized with the same hapten. Impo
rtant results from this work are the following. (1) Similarities were
observed in the catalytic polyclonal antibodies derived from all five
rabbits. Four of the five rabbits produced polyclonal samples that wer
e nearly the same in terms of catalytic activity, whereas the fifth ra
bbit, designated as rabbit 2, displayed a somewhat higher level of cat
alytic activity. The catalytic activities (as k(cat)/k(uncat)) of thes
e polyclonal samples were similar to that from the best murine monoclo
nal antibody that had been previously elicited by the same hapten. (2)
Titre was not an accurate indicator of polyclonal antibody catalytic
activity. (3) A mathematical analysis to describe a distribution of Mi
chaelis-Menten catalysts was performed to help interpret our results.
(4) Kinetic analysis indicated that the binding parameters of the diff
erent samples were remarkably homogeneous, because one or two componen
ts were all that were required to fit the on-rate and off-rate data sa
tisfactorily. Interestingly, the most active catalytic polyclonal samp
le, that from rabbit 2, displayed the slowest off-rate (so slow it cou
ld not be measured) and thus the highest overall affinity. (5) Catalyt
ic analysis of eluted fractions of antibody from a substrate column in
dicated that each polyclonal sample was also relatively homogeneous in
terms of catalytic parameters. The main conclusion of our study is th
at for this hapten-animal system, the overall catalytic immune respons
e is relatively consistent at two levels. Consistent catalytic activit
y was observed between the polyclonal samples elicited in the differen
t animals, and the elicited hapten-specific polyclonal antibodies were
relatively homogeneous in terms of binding and catalytic parameters w
ithin each immunized animal. The observed similarities of the catalyti
c activity in the different animals is surprising, because the immune
response is based on specific binding of antibodies to hapten. There i
s no known selective pressure to maintain consistent levels of catalyt
ic activity. Our results can therefore be interpreted as providing evi
dence that for this hapten there is a fixed relationship between hapte
n structure and catalytic activity and/or consistent genetic factors t
hat dominate the catalytic immune response.