Based upon the analysis of materials cycling and processing on the ear
th, a thermodynamic concept for energetical and environmental problems
has been proposed. It concludes that solution processing using aqueou
s solutions should be the most important processing even for advanced
materials. According to this concept, energetical and environmental fe
atures of soft solution processing (SSP) are discussed in general, usi
ng also some particular examples, such as BaTiO3. Applications of the
SSP are shown with special emphasis on hydrothermal and/or electrochem
ical synthesis of thin films and integration issues. Soft solution pro
cessing allows one to fabricate in aqueous solutions shaped/sized/orie
nted ceramics in only one step, without excess energies for firing/sin
tering or melting and without expensive equipment, providing an enviro
nmentally friendly route for the preparation of advanced ceramic mater