This paper studies the linearized gravitational held in the presence o
f boundaries. For this purpose, zeta-function regularization is used t
o perform the mode-by-mode evaluation of BRST-invariant Faddeev-Popov
amplitudes in the case of hat Euclidean four-space bounded by a three-
sphere. On choosing the de Donder gauge-averaging term, the resulting
zeta(0) value is found to agree with the space-time covariant calculat
ion of the same amplitudes, which relies on the recently corrected geo
metric formulas for the asymptotic heat kernel in the case of mixed bo
undary conditions. Two sets of mixed boundary conditions for Euclidean
quantum gravity are then compared in detail. The analysis proves that
one cannot restrict the path-integral measure to transverse-traceless
perturbations. By contrast, gauge-invariant amplitudes are only obtai
ned on considering from the beginning all perturbative modes of the gr
avitational field, jointly with ghost modes.